健康主題清潔,排毒清潔/解毒配方-Yerba Prima, 結腸護理配方,12盎司(340克)
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如果你還在考慮Yerba Prima, 結腸護理配方,12盎司(340克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Safety Seal髮旺旺
- Promotes Colon Health
- Elimination of Toxins
- All Natural Fiber Supplement
- GMP Quality
Colon Care Formula promotes colon health with fiber, calcium, magnesium, selenium and FOS. These nutrients provide dietary support for normal, healthy functioning of the colon, including regular elimination of toxins and waste material, promoting the growth of friendly bacteria, such as acidophilus and bifidus, and support for proper digestion. For best results, use everyday as long as desired. No added sweeteners, colors or additives.
Yerba Prima has pioneered significant advances in health enhancing products, including natural 髮旺旺dietary fiber, internal cleansing and standardized herbs.
Quality Assurance: Yerba Prima's pr髮旺旺oducts are pure and natural, and are made only from premium quality ingredients.
Yerba Prima, 結腸護理配方,12盎司(340克)