前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 忠義一街Gaia Herbs, 聖約翰草,60粒充液膠囊團購!!!
但一罐 忠義一街Gaia Herbs, 聖約翰草,60粒充液膠囊團購價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 忠義一街Gaia Herbs, 聖約翰草,60粒充液膠囊團購發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
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找尋 忠義一街Gaia Herbs, 聖約翰草,60粒充液膠囊團購心得看這裡
促進健康的情緒 — 聖約翰麥汁:1350毫克提取物 全譜藥效-金絲桃素:每日2.7毫克 單一草藥 單個草藥以其充滿活力自然的形式存在,為人體提供獨一無二的支持。本品含有濃縮的一種單一草藥,以傳遞自然的活力給你。 St. John's Wort 有研究表明,聖約翰草提取物可以支持積極的情緒健康。每日服用蓋亞草藥聖約翰麥汁花蕾可以提供1350毫克的濃縮提取物和2.7毫克的金絲桃素 — 劑量符合發表過的研究報告,對促進健康的情緒提供神經系統支持。 The Gaia 與眾不同 液態效力,易吸收,不含酒精,液體植物膠囊美國專利號No. 6,238,696 B1 100% 素食者,不含乳制品,無谷蛋白成分-易於消化的植物源性膠囊 無重金屬毒性,經實驗室純度檢測 成人每次1粒,每日3次,餐間服用。 Vegetable glycerin, capsule (vegetable cellulose) Each 3 capsules contain 2,250 mg dry herb equivalent. Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs, please consult with your doctor before using this product. Avoid excessive exposure to UV radiation (e.g. sunlight, tanning) when using this product. Keep away from children. Use only as directed on label. Safety sealed for your protection. Keep bottle capped at all times and store in a cool dry place. Natural separation may occur. This does not affect product quality.
營養成分 Serving Size: 3 Capsules Servings Per Container: 20 Amount Per 3 Capsules % Daily Value Calories 30 Total Alcohol Free Extracts:
St. John's Wort flowering tops and buds + (Hypericum perforatum)1,350 mg † Validated Full Spectrum Profile Hypericins 2.7 mg † †Daily Value not established.
+ = Ecologically Harvested

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希望大家看 忠義一街Gaia Herbs, 聖約翰草,60粒充液膠囊團購會喜歡唷~
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